It’s that time of the year now, performance reviews are done, managers have given feedback, Appraisal ratings are in place and then wham! There are attritions lol… well jokes apart some companies in India have their appraisals in April – May – June & employees in India are likely to get an average salary hike of just 9.4 per cent this year, similar to last year, while key talent & resources are expected to get appraisals of as much as 15.4 per cent as companies increase focus on performance.
So, I have a question to ask. Were you happy with your appraisal results? If yes. Then that’s great and you could continue with your work and have a successful career ahead.
But if it’s a No, then you need to start thinking about a few things. With all this happening, you as an employee may at times start thinking of venturing out. The grass starts to look greener on the other side and you start having a sinking feeling of losing interest in your work. You then start thinking about quitting your job, but not sure you’re doing it for the right reason? You ponder over a thought that should you stay with your current employer for the time being?
More than anyone, you know what’s most important to you now and in the future, what you can & cannot tolerate, whether you can turn it around or walk away? But it will take a honest reflection on your situation and your priorities to gain this form of clarity and justice to what you seek?
So here is my 4-step advice on what you need to check before you make your next move!
1. What is it that you hate about your job and what is it that you love?
Many a times rash & wrong decisions are taken in a rage of anger or despair or in a state of confusion. What you need to do Is first do a SWOT analysis on yourself & the job your currently at , and understand what is it that makes you strong in what you do, what are your weaknesses and what areas you lack at the job , the opportunities that you have and the threats faced at work or with your job. Once you have done this it gives you a clearer sense of things. The next step would be to…
2. Discuss with your Manager
Its is important to be truthful and honest with you manager about these things. Your attrition is directly impacting the manager and the manager is on the look out for your benefit and wellbeing. An honest heart to heart talk about the situation & what you’re going thru could shed a light on where things are going wrong and what needs to be done.
3. Resolution
After the discussion there needs to be an action plan both ways from your side and the management side. There should be positive responses to work things out both sides. If one doesn’t respond, then the other is bound to fail or give up. The final step would be …
4. Closure
A closure is a sense of resolution or conclusion at the end of a discussion. As an employee you need to do what. you have been asked and likewise the employer needs to find a closure to what was discussed. This would then lead to a final decision by you to either stay or quit your job.
They say it is easier to quit a job than finding a good one to stay with. But you need to evaluate and see if its worth staying in your current job. So how do you do so?
Here are a few factors or point that you should consider before your quit.
- Are you valued & appreciated in your job?
A big question on a job quitters mind is whether I am appreciated & valued in the organisation? You would need to do some self-introspection over this point. What have you contributed to the organisation? When you have clarity, you would either change your perspective or result in feelings of anger & resentment, which negatively impact your demeanour & contribute to an overall unhappy work environment. Things such as Pay scale, designation a job role pay an import factor over here.
- Stress Level and Work pressure?
Is your job creating high levels of stress for you? Are you called to work when you are sick? Are you asked to work at odd work hours? Stress and work pressure are one of the highest reasons for people to consider quitting their jobs. If you are having high stress levels either at work or at home and is reflecting in your job and work, then you need to take a step back analyse and decide your next move.
- Not is sync with the company culture & Work Environment
Every company has their own culture. They design the organisation based on their goals, vision, mission and the characteristics of the management are defined by their leaders. The culture fit is important for every joinee in any organisation & an Induction process is compulsory during the first week of a new employee. If you feel that you are not happy with the culture, work environment then it’s time for you to leave and look at a prospect which suits you.
- Lack of Support from Manager & Management
The Manager plays a key role in your development and growth in an organisation. It is true when they say people leave managers, not companies. A good supportive manager can help turn a disgruntled employee to a great performer with positive vibes. People tend to leave organisations if they are not nurtured or handheld in terms of support in their work and daily work routines.
- Lack of training, Guidance & Tools
There is this famous management quote:
A CFO once asked the CEO: what happens if we train the employees and they leave? The CEO Replies saying: What if you don’t and they stay?
Training Is an investment which could reap great results both for the employee & the employer. If your current job and organisation has helped train you, given you skills enhancement & access to tools?
If Yes, then you might have to consider staying back to further enhance skills and gain more knowledge. If NO, then you might want to consider moving out.
- Bored & Unchallenged by the work lack of Fun at Work
Monotony, repetition of work & lack of new challenges could demotivate you. No one wants to be bored and unchallenged by their work. The job should be engaging, exciting, & challenging to contribute, create, perform & Excel. lack of fun activities at work such as dress up competitions, talent showcase, parties, birthday celebrations, work anniversaries etc all add up to a feeling of importance. Which if companies don’t do make you realise that it’s probably not employee centric in nature.
- Opportunities to showcase your Skills & Abilities
You might be great at your work but might be greater at something else, when you are not given the opportunity to showcase your skill & abilities & told to “Just do your job” a feeling of resentment and frustration would begin. This is another reason or factor to consider before quitting your job.
- Financial stability of the organization & Management
This is an important factor. The company’s financial stability plays a major factor. Salaries being paid on time, infrastructures provided, convenience & amenities available etc. are all to be looked at to decide if you need to stay with the current company or not.
- Rewards & Recognition
A company that appreciates its employees conduct R&R’s, team meets, Town halls, catch ups, Monthly Meetings, Offsites, all hands meets etc… if your company does not conduct these then it could be another reason to venture out.
- Lack of Growth Plan & Career progression in the organization
Companies who don’t have a career pathway aligned for the employees give a feeling that the employee is not important to them. A clear for of career path should be there else you would not feel the organization is suited for you for a long term. Periodic performance reviews, achieving goals and targets, KPI’s & KRA’s and overall performance of an individual if not met would be demotivating. Which in turn may make you wonder if you are meant to do what you are currently doing?
Before you quit a job, you should be very sure that you want to resign. Once you’ve turned in your resignation, you probably won’t be able to change your mind & get your job back. When the hours spent by you at work consistently clock in anywhere from low-level misery to a super high of unhappiness, your all-time debate is whether to quit or not?
The True answer is that it’s up to you and only YOU!
So, if you pay attention to these ten factors, then you will have a sense of idea of what your next decision would be….? stay with your current organisation? or apply to a new job? would love to know your thoughts.